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Contact and Links

Mini Biography

I studied engineering at Cambridge University, where I first encountered a scanning electron microscope, and a few years later I also obtained an MSc and PhD in acoustics at London University. I have worked in electronics, acoustics consultancy, systems design and noise control, mainly in the field of naval systems. In the 1990s I became interested in microscopy, mainly from the point of view of taking photographs through microscopes. Around the same time I developed an interest in arachnology and was able to use my microscopes to identify spiders down to species level. Now retired, I keep busy with microscopy, arachnology, cello playing and wildlife photography. I live in North Dorset, in the United Kingdom.

Comments and suggestions on this site, and on scanning electron microscopy in general, are welcome. Please email me.

Microscopy Societies and Clubs

Royal Microscopical Society

Postal Microscopical Society

Quekett Microscopical Club


TESCAN - Electron microscope manufacturers

Tron-Tech - suppliers of pre-owned SEMs and associated equipment

Quorum - suppliers of new specimen preparation equipment

Deben - suppliers of detectors and cameras

My Other Website

I also have a website for my natural history and travel photography